Floris Evolved Vs Floris Expanded
Influences your and when it becomes low your troops will start deserting. You can increase your morale by winning battles or tournaments, having a variety of, completing quests, razing villages and raising your.
Floris Mod Pack. Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience.
You can lose morale from starvation, losing battles, and failing quests. Morale of nation-based troops is also greatly negatively affected if you are waging a war against their home nation. Also, fighting more than 1 or 2 times a day will lower morale.Morale Modifiers.
Base morale: your base morale will always be 50. Party size: the more troops you have in your party, the higher the morale penalty will be. When removing party members, this penalty will decrease by 1 each, but a temporary 1 point penalty will be incurred to Recent Events.
This means you are left with no immediate net change. Leadership: morale bonus provided by your. Food variety: every type of food has a morale bonus in its description. Recent events: any events like winning, battles, or completing will give a morale bonus.Size. Party size represents how many troops you can take with you.
Party size is affected by your, and.Size ModifiersThe player's maximum party size is calculated differently than NPCs. In, the campaign difficulty setting influences how your party size is calculated.Player's Party Modifier(Poor)(Avg)(Good)Base size5510751/251/251/151/2NPC lords receive the following bonuses. Other randomly generated AI parties, such as bandits, are selected from a specific range. Applies the same NPC party bonus rule to the player, in addition to your companion's leadership skill.NPC's Party ModifierBase size101010Leadership555Renown1/251/200Wageswill be paid to your troops every 168 hours, which is seven days. If you don't have enough money to pay your troops' wages, your party will lose morale, and you will incur a debt.
Wages are primarily based on your troops' level, as well as several other calculations and discounts based on your leadership skill.Your troops are paid every Friday, which means that you can garrison your army just before Friday afternoon to only pay them half wages.See also. Torrent bohemian rhapsody (2018).
Nexus was a home while I played Elder Scrolls and honestly M&B too. But for M&B I have found a couple mods more updated on ModDB, including Evolved and Pendor.
Floris Evolved Coop
Decided to use that as main source (but I always check Nexus and too).Floris Expanded is great, but it had some bugs and glitches, mostly harmless. I will suggest only this; Never ever lend one of your companions. It was the only time I got a bug and lost one of them and then eventually found a way to get him back through editing the save file. It is not worth it.