Il 2 Cliffs Of Dover Team Fusion
Il-2 Cliffs Of Dover Team Fusion
Originally posted by:Oh boy, more stuff for LuftWhiners.But, seriously, the Team Fusion mod 4.0 is pretty incredible. I have a feeling the default game has a memory limit coded into it, at least my performance would suggest such. Most things set to medium or high, I got 40-60FPS constant.This really needs to be rolled into an official patch or something, this seriously makes the game good.I agree, at the very least STEAM should auto update and incorporate this mod as a PATCH to all steam users, it's seriously good!thanks to all the efforts of TEAM FUSION, salute!
Cliffs Of Dover Game
I don't know anything about clod at release, I bought clod when team fusion released their previous mod. 4.0 I think it was. And other than the washed out graphics, the flying and aerial combat is awesome. Haven't done the campaign or mp, just one off bomber intercept missions against ai. 1C Game Studios, in partnership with Team Fusion Simulations, is proud to announce the release of a newly updated and improved BLITZ edition of the IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover! As announced previously, 1CGS has partnered with Team Fusion Simulations to codify and improve their previous mod work and make it an official part of Dover.